Lake Michigan Scenes

This work for symphonic band is a musical illustration of six scenes throughout the course of a day on Lake Michigan.

I. Sunrise
The gentle sounds of woodwinds along with the shushing of the waves signals the beginning of the day.

II. Morning and a Brisk Wind
Morning has broken, and it's a fine day for sailing. The brass choir introduces the main theme.

III. Mid-day, Clouds on the Horizon
The woody sounds of the clarinet section and vibraphones illustrate the calm before the storm while the trumpet explores another theme. The approaching storm becomes evident as the band begins to swell.

IV. An Afternoon Thunderstorm
Suddenly a violent storm whips up with wild rhythms and vicious percussion hits. 

V. A Gentle Evening Rain
The storm is over as quickly as it begins though, leaving a gentle rain illustrated by the snapping of fingers and a calm iteration of the main theme by the clarinets and low brass. 

VI. Sunset
Like the day began, it ends in glorious light.